Sunday, March 23, 2014

Author New to Me...Willa Cather

I have completed my second book in the Back to the Classics challenge.  This time I have chosen the author new to me category.  Originally, I had thought I would read Jules Verne.  I tried to read From the Earth to the Moon, but I just could not get into it.  So while walking through Barnes and Noble one morning with the kids, I came across their classics section and Willa Cather.  An author I had not heard of, let alone read.  I ended up choosing her novel O Pioneers! which was written in 1913.  Willa was born in Virginia, but moved to Nebraska with her family at the age of ten which gave her ample memories to pull from for her story.

The story follows our main character, Alexandra Bergson, from a young girl through her life in Nebraska.  The back cover sums the story up like this, "A gripping saga of love, murder, greed, failure, and triumph, O Pioneers! vividly portrays the hardships of prairie life.  Above all, it champions the belief that hard work is the surest road to personal fulfillment.".  It's a good summation. 

It is not a very long book, making it a quick read.  You get a very good sense of what it would have been like living on the prairie in the 1880's.   I really liked the character of Alexandra.  She's smart,real smart.  She loves the land, and refuses to give up or give in!  I mentioned at work to a friend that I was reading Willa Cather as my author new to me, and she highly recommended that I try, My Antonia, by Cather also.  I will have to add that to my never ending need to read list.  


  1. My Antonia is also wonderful. It was my first book by Cather and I thought that O Pioneers would be similar -- I was not expecting some of the dramatic plot twists! My Antonia is a gentler sort of story but the writing and sense of place are really wonderful. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for linking your review to the Back to the Classics Challenge!

    1. You're welcome. I am really enjoying the challenge so far:)
